General information

  • Extractor fans
  • Booking of saunas is done on the notice board in the respective property.
  • Laundry rooms are booked on a board outside of the laundry rooms.
  • Parking spaces and garages are rented through the board, see Garage, parking and storage for more information.
  • Keys to the sauna, exercise room and common areas are collected at the board office.
  • The housing board’s office is open Tuesdays from 18:00 to 19:00. We can help with keys, tags and other questions.
  • Do you need advice and support regarding apartment sales? Contact the transfer manager on the board.
  • Riksbyggen Natt o Dag 0771 860 860 You can call here any time of the day if you have problems paying the rent or want to rent a storage room.
  • The property manager’s office is open Tuesday 8:00-9:00. Here you can report problems in person.
  • Second hand rental of apartment can be done after the approval of the housing board.
  • The garbage dump is for household waste, i.e. left-overs. Packaging materials such as cardboard and glass should be sorted at the recycling station off Teleskopgatan 4.
  • Larger articles are deposited with Renova. Recycling cards can be collected at a recycling station. It is free and you can leave waste there 12 times a year free of charge. Bring a photo ID when you pick up the card. It is also possible to order a card online on their website. An elecronic ID is required.
  • If you want to change the telephone number for the door phone, you can send an e-mail to the board or go to the board office.
  • Our manager from Riksbyggen is called Christian Stefansson.